Truth Composer

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Eternal Security Doctrine

This doctrine was first introduced by Satan to Eve in the Garden of Eden with the words, “…Ye shall not surely die.” (Genesis 3:4) With these five words, Satan introduced the Doctrine of Eternal Security. He, as well as all who embrace this doctrine, call God a liar, for God said if you do not […]

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No Such Animal

Stumbling along in a howling blizzard, this man sensed that something was following him. My girlfriend, Dawn, and I stayed out late into the night not long after New Year’s Day 1996. It was snowing heavily when we got into my car, and we decided to go only as far as my mother’s house, about […]

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One Little Drop

There are many, many people in this world who believe and who have said, “What I say or what I do doesn’t matter. My little drop in the bucket surely isn’t going to make any waves.” Well, if you believe that, think again. Did you know one little drop of water falling into a bucket […]

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Are You Ready For Jesus To Come? Pt. 2

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36 People who wish to silence any excitement that Jesus may return very soon use this verse as an “intellectual refuge.” Many Christians interpret this verse to say, “No one [will ever] know the […]

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Buckskin Brady, The Cowboy Evangelist Pt. 5

Conclusion A number of years ago when two of the boys were riding for strays in the Belle Fourche country, they ran across the Killpatrick crew, who were pushing the B. & M. Railroad west through the wilds of Wyoming. They dismounted to watch the graders while they tore up the earth with their great […]

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